The “Don’t Fall into the Trap” project was financed by the Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento per le Politiche Antidroga, ente capofila Consorzio Solidalia Soc. coop. Sociale Onlus in partnership with the Associazione MediAzione, Associazione Amunì Step by Step, Comune di Marsala, Unione dei Comuni Elimo Ericini, ASP Trapani, Prefettura di Trapani, Comune di Campobello di Mazara.
The project, aimed at promoting the prevention of the use of psychotropic substances and narcotics with attention to controlled and responsible use of the web in relation to the procurement of harmful substances, took place between 2018 and 2019.
The recipients of the project were young people aged between 13 and 16, secondary and high school students.
The objectives of the project were to encourage and enhance youth aggregation, raise awareness on the issues of addictions and their effects, strengthen young people’s critical awareness in relation to the use of the web, train peer-supporters aimed at stimulating the ability to dialogue with families.
Through moments of aggregation, information campaigns on addictions, games and experiential group activities, creative and multimedia workshops and dialogue and awareness-raising activities among families, young people understood the complexity of the topic of addictions, both from a physical point of view , psychological, social and behavioral, as well as the adoption of controlled and responsible behavior when using the web.